Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Chapter 3: MaTTer

3.1   Matter Has Mass And Occupies  Space

Things Have Mass And Occupy Space.

1.      Everything around us has mass and occupies space.
2.    The following activities will help you to see that things such as
       books, air, water, soil and living things have mass and occupy space
Examples :
i.      Your school bag becomes heavier and heavier  as you put your school books into it.
ii.      A balloon  filled with air is heavier than a similar balloon that has been punctured. PMR 08
iii.     A balloon gets bigger as you blow air into it.
iv.     A glass becomes heavier and heavier as you pour
        water into it. 
 v.     A lift can take  in only a number of people at a time.

What Is Matter.

1.      Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space.
2.     We have seen earlier that everything around us has mass and occupies space.
3.     Therefore, we can say that everything around us is matter.
        There are included  living things and non-living things on the Earth.
4.      Living things,  for example, human beings,  birds and insects are
5.      Non-living things, for example,  air, water, soil, rocks and books are also matter.
6.      However,  some things are not matter.  For example,  light,  sound  and heat  are not matter because they do not have occupy space.

3.2   The Three States Of Matter. PMR 06

What Is Matter Made Up Of ?

1.       Matter is made up of very small particles.
2.      These particles are so small that they cannot     be seen even with a microscope.
3.      These particles are the basic units of matter.
4.      There are spaces between the particles because they are
5.      The particles of matter can move.
Example  :      When   you break a piece of chalk,   you will find   that is actually made up of fine powder.  You can keep breaking up  the chalk into smaller and smaller parts.                               You will get very small and discrete particles and  cannot be seen even using microscope. 
The Three States Of Matter 
1.       Matter can exist in three different states  : 
i.   Solid  -  rice,  sugar, salt,   coins, stones, sand and steel.  
ii.   Liquids  - cooking oil, kerosene,  lubricant and alcohol.
                         iii.   Gases -  air, cooking gas and water vapour.

The Arrangement And  The Movement Of Particles In The Three States Of
Matter.  PMR 03, 05

- The particles are arranged close together

in a fixed,  regular pattern.
-  the particles cannot move freely.
- The particles can only vibrate about their fixepositions.
 2.     Liquids      - The particles are still quite close together but not as close as those in a solid.
                                      -       They are not arranged in a regular pattern.
-       The particles can glide freely over one another.

3.     Gases        -       The particles are very far apart from one another.
-       The particles are not  arranged in any pattern.
-       The particles can move freely at random.
4. Table below shows the comparison between three states of matter :

Page 8 and 9

Of  Particles

-         fixed,     regular pattern.
- Close to one another.

not  arranged  in  a regular pattern.
-    Still close to one another   but  not   as close as that in  solid.

- do  not  have  any arrangement at all.
-    Very  far  apart from each other.

Movement    of
- cannot move freely.
-     Can   only   vibrate about     their     fixed positions.
-     can   move   about
randomly   by   gliding over one another.
-    move  freely  at
random     at    high speed.
Space Between
very small.
very big.
Force          Of Attraction Between
very strong.
quite strong.
very weak.
Energy content

3.3   The Concept Of Density.

PMR 03, 06, 07, 08

1.       The density of a substance is defined as the quantity of mass
contained in the substance for a unit volume.
2.      We can easily find the density of a substance if we know the mass and the volume of the substance.
3.      The density of substance depends on:
a. mass         :       The bigger its mass, the bigger its density is
b. volume      :     the bigger its volume, the smaller its density is.
4.      Density (g/cm3)    =     Mass (g) / Volume (cm3)
5.      D = M/V
6.      M = DV
7.      V = M/D
8.      Unit of density is kg/m or g/cm.
9.      Different substances  have different densities.  Here are the densities f some common substances. PMR 05, 06, 07

Why do some objects and liquids float?

1.  A substance is able to float or sink in a liquid depending  on its density.
2.  A  less  dense  substance  floats  in  a  denser  liquid  whereas  a  denser substance sinks in a less dense liquid.

 Example   :
Ice floats in water because  it is less dense than water.

A gold sinks in mercury because it is denser than  mercury.

The   Use                            of    Properties   Of Matter                                               In Everyday Life                                                                         

Man can apply different states of matter and the concept of density in everyday life.


Man can make use of his knowledge of the application of the different states of matter to enable him to store and transport gases and liquids. Some of examples are

 a.    some  gases  can  be  compressed  into  liquid  form,  thus  reducing volume and allowing it to be transported easily.

3.  Man can also make use of concept of density in everyday life. Some example
are :
a. Buoy.
The buoy is filled with air and has a lower density
than water. 
 b.  Raft.
The raft has a lower density than water. 
 c.  Logs.
The logs have a lower density than water.

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